a borítólapra  Súgó epa Copyright 
Korunk 3. folyam, 18. évf. 10. sz. (2007. október)


Tematikus cím: Fiatal kutatónak lenni...
  • Tőkés Gyöngyvér :
    Kutatói kilátások [16.57 kB - HTML]

    Prospects for Research

    It is in the air to talk about the aiding and assistance of the youth, but in fact the truth is behind rhetoric. After the university studies, the young graduate starts to build up his professional identity. Some of them wish to put into practice their knowledge and work in the field of economics or politics, others would like to develop their learning and choose research as a profession. The article sketches out the possibilities for research within institutional framework of the Hungarian young professionals from Transylvania.

  • Máté Erzsébet :

    The Appearance of the European Aspect in the Doctorate Training. Reform Processes and Support Systems in Higher Education

    The Romanian educational system was defined by communist ideology for a long time. The politics of the nineties meant mainly trying to change this state. Fully replacing the law became a reality only in 1995, but thanks to the Bologna Declaration, a new reform process started in the higher education system, resulting in a complete transformation of the doctorate training in Romania. The author traces down this process in her essay.

  • Patakfalvi Czirják Ágnes ,
    Máthé Gabriella ,
    Hegyi Géza ,
    Pápay Orsolya :

    Gabriell Máté – Géza Hegyi: Settlement-Size Distribution – A Physicist's Approach

    It is well known that in a given area (region, country, continent) the size distribution of the large settlements follows a power-law distribution. These systems are thus good examples for the very general Zipf-Pareto law. The scaling exponents characterizing the distribution are usually around the value of -2. In the present work we study the size distribution of Transylvanian settlements, based on a dataset which contains census data back in time until 1786. The existence of the Pareto-Zipf law is proved and explained with a simple statistical physics model.

    Ágnes Czirják Patakfalvi: The Internal Stratification of a Music Subculture

    The article is the result of an anthropological research on the drum'n'bass scene in Cluj. For now this scene became the most fashionable among the other electronic-music scenes in the city. With this research I want to draw the "map" of stratification inside the music subculture. I have accumulated my empirical data with interview-making and participant observation. The article contains parts of interviews, to make the text more amusing.

    Orsolya Pápay: Kids' Buying Habits

    While making a buying decision family members can play five different roles: initiator, influential, decision maker, executer and consumer. The article analyzes the roles fulfilled by children. These are the following: the child as an independent consumer and the child as the one who initiates, influences and finally consumes the product. The author was interested in kids' buying habits (how much money do they have, who gives them their pocket money, what kind of products do they buy, do they save up money or not and so on). She also studied the „nagging factor", more exactly the methods used by kids to force their parents to purchase them the desired goods. The research was done with 11-14 year old Hungarian pupils from Cluj and Oradea, using two different research tools: the questionnaire and focus group interview.




  • Dale Keiger :
    A következő csomópont [25.33 kB - HTML]

    Looking for the Next Big Thing

    In 1998, a young physicist of remarkable energy and promise named Albert-László Barabási has started to investigate a field that existed mostly in his imagination: network science. His further researches have marked the birth of a new scientific field and have contributed to understanding complex systems in general. In the last few years researchers have steadily added to the knowledge of networks. Barabási believes the most interesting work over the following period will be in biology. He has spent more than a year studying diseases, and has co-authored a forthcoming paper that might be the next big thing in network science, not to mention medicine.

Mű és világa


  • Veres Valér :

    The Situation of Scientific Research and Development in Transylvania

    The purpose of the study is to overview scientific research and development (R+D) in Transylvania during the last few years (2003–2006), in regional and national context.

    The structure of the Romanian research staff inherited from the communist regime was transformed only with partial success in order to fulfil market economy expectations after the regime change, after 1990.

    According to our results, between 2002–2005 the number of employees working in the field of R+D stagnated on the national level and increased insignificantly. There was an increase in Bucharest and in the southern part of Romania, but in Transylvania the number of research staff decreased in every development region, especially in the central region, mainly in Braşov.

    The financial funds allocated to research and development increased in absolute figures during the last 5 years, but they only represent 0.4% of the GDP, which is much lower than the percentage recommended by the European Commission for EU member states. Moreover, in Transylvanian regions the proportion for R+D is only under 0.2%.

  • Gagyi József :
    Terep, ismeret [17.61 kB - HTML]

    Fields, Fieldwork

    The focus of the fieldwork presented here is not primarily to find "traditions" and "save them". It is more about gaining professional experience, and getting to know ourselves better. University students have to gather and systematize certain pieces of information that they can use in their papers in a "small, traditional" community, by getting to know easily visible social networks, and by swiftly setting up and using personal social connections. This serves as their preparation for newer, bigger, by far not traditional "fields", that are first of all not so easy to map because of the complexity of information networks.

