Vissza a tartalomjegyzékhez

13. évfolyam
4. szám
A. D.

Sarnyai, Csaba Máté:
The religion of the spirit – or the spirit of a churchless religion. Schmitt Jenő Henrik’s anarchist vision on religion and church

— Summary in English —



In this paper we present Schmitt Jenő Henrik’s ideas about religious community as they appear in his 1899 book „Felekezetnélküli közösségek a szellem vallása alapján” (‘Denomination-free communities based on the religion of the spirit’). His concepts are quite unique in Hungary, if not anywhere else as well.

In this rarely referenced work of his, a singular religion- and church-image is emphasised (apart from his anarchistic worldviews on violence, freedom, law or politics). He criticises the traditional (mostly Catholic) church for being hierarchic, and he describes his contrasting views on an ideal denomination or church, as well as on a neo-gnostic, somewhat Tolstoy-ian interpretation of the Christian teachings.

A foundation of his theory is a break from the world (as it had existed until his time – he refers to is as “old world”. The new law is that man must be free from politics (i.e. state) and theology (i.e. traditional church). He must recognise that nor even this law brings freedom, since it is the nature of every rule that they put limits on the person. True freedom can be attained only man’s own soul, if he begins to follow love’s path instead of violence. He who understands the essence of love and freedom, can see that external violence cannot be a means to freedom, only the consciousness and love of the Spirit can do that. Christ had prophesied this enlightenment, that this will become clear in front of the Spirit. By Spirit, he means a Gnostic spirit-concept that permeates and connects the Universe. The traditional (historical) Christian church(es) is/are not a possessor and mediator of the true Christian freedom and love, or God’s land. Instead of {99}thus, Schmitt envisions an ideal brotherhood, held together by love, where people can seek their consolation. This community would be the order of free negotiation and endless mercy and it would facilitate the redemption of the world. Apart from the ideas of a spiritual religion, the discussed text also features a “vision of the church”.



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