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Acta Wekerleensis1. sz. (2017.)


  • Balogh Anikó :

    Summary: Customized knowledge management solutions and services play an increasing part both in the business and the academic sector. Higher education institutions also present several other challenges. The declining number of students and the rising cost of training encourage institutions to seek more attractive features in order to draw attention to themselves, to attract and keep students in the institution. Knowledge management tools can be the method of attraction and may prevent the dropout of students. During this process, higher education institutions will function as knowledge centers, to identify, develop, publish, and deliver knowledge, thus take part in regional development.

    Keywords: Knowledge management, Higher education, Challenges of Hungarian higher education, knowledge transfer

  • Botos Katalin :

    Summary: The study analyzes the similarities in the thoughts of a Hungarian economist and the Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz. The American economist in his latest book analyzes the situation in the USA, the effect of income inequalities on economic development and the political situation. One of the most important statement of Stiglitz is that democracy is endangered by the political influence of the richest layers of society on the formation of the state economic policy and legislation. In contemporary American democracy it is not „one person one vote” but „one dollar one vote”. People are misled by suggestions through the media that the contemporary policy favoring the 1 % is in their interest. Zoltán Pogátsa describes the economic situation - similarly like Stiglitz - in the liberal anglo-saxon world and shows that the Hungarian change of the political and economic system has many similar features. He is opposing the model of fundamental capitalism and even the still existing elements of neoliberal economic thinking in Hungary - for instance the tax favoring of the richest layers. He supports the Scandinavian capitalist model where the state redistribution is high. The difference between the two authors is that Pogátsa openly supports social democratic policy in Europe and Hungary while Stiglitz hopes that the American democracy is able to reform itself in order to go back to the original American values, to serve the many and not the few.

    Keywords: Stiglitz, Zoltán Pogátsa, Capitalism, Democracy, Income inequality, Scandinavian model

  • Árva László ,
    Eperjesi Zoltán :

    Summary: In our current article we present the financing structure of the domestic social security and the negative consequences of the common public charges burdening the wages and salaries. Big emphasis is laid upon the review and analysis of the different European social security systems and models in the article. We also represent the social security systems of some countries of the European Union - like the United Kingdom, France, Netherlands, Germany and Sweden - emphasising the particularities and decisive characteristics of their social security systems. The utmost aim of the international outlook is to think over the best practises of the different systems and implement them in the domestic social security system.

    Keywords: Tax wedge, Social security, Fiscalisation, Health system in the UK and in the Scandinavian countries.

  • Eperjesi Zoltán :

    Summary: In my current study, I present the activity of the multilateral developments banks fostering the economy and their different development policy approaches and strategies. My utmost goal is to provide a deep and extensive picture about the financial policies and decision making processes of the multilateral development banks based on categorization and analysis according to different characteristics. During the analysis, I present some development policies of the international development banks used in the past that did not come up to expectations.

    Keywords: Development banks, Financial policies, Development policies, International development banks.

  • Kádár Péter :

    Summary: The infrastructure of energetics became part of our daily life. In this paper we assess the changes of the last decades in the Hungarian power generation industry. We also compare the situation to worldwide trends and analyse the fit to the macroeconomy.

    We describe the spontaneous development of the energy monopolies, the contribution of the power industry to the global emission. A decision support optimisation system that helps to choose the right development options, is also introduced. With this tool we demonstrate the feasibility to set up mathematical models to carry out a coherent energy strategy.

    The deregulation of the Hungarian power industry, privatisation, control and measures of the state are also mentioned. The role of Power Exchange, the participation of the state in the power system development and some atypical investments are shown, as well.

    As a conclusion we can state that the basic tools and structure of the Hungarian power system are conform to the European power industry, however many special features can be found on the level of business operations.

    Keywords: Power system, new structures, deregulation, changes in the role of government

    JEL Codes: L15, O13, P28, P33, Q42, Q43

  • Mádi László :

    Abstract: The study undertakes to stand for an unborn government housing policy, analyzing and presenting its capabilities and conditions. It examines the past and current developments of the domestic housing policy and the characteristics of the altered housing market. It sees the need for a comprehensive government vision and the need for an economy strategy which enables the integration of different policies and contains a housing policy as well. This paper assesses the demand and supply characteristics of the housing market, the possible tools of government intervention, and the actual usability of each instrument. Because of the changed situation of the housing market - and based on the high importance of the housing market and construction industry - the author takes his vote for the necessity of a new housing policy.

    JEL-kód: lakáspolitika, lakáspiac, lakástámogatás, lakhatás, építőipar

    Keywords: Housing Policy, Housing Market, Housing Support, Housing, Construction

  • Pénzes Ibolya :

    Summary: Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county, as part of the North-Plain region, has humble economic potential. Its population has been decreasing since the turn of the Millennium, while its food retail chain has shrunk and changed in its components as a result of several closely related factors, which needs a multiple-stage analysis. This study as the first phase of the research is based on secondary information, and examines the changes in the number and components of the food retailers operating on the FMCG market. Besides, it partially highlights how the retail chains - against the background of the market structure - fit into the socio-demographic nature and shopping habits of the residents.

    Keywords: FMGC market, Marketing activity, Great Plain in Hungary, Company structure in Hungary, Retail Trade in Hungary

  • Spaller Endre :

    Summary: The Republic of Korea has built up a knowledge based economy. During this changing period faced a number of challenges that Hungary is facing currently. The Korean Republic introduced its Knowledge Sharing Program to exchange knowledge on several fields, including R&D.

    In the last years Hungary has been catching up to the OECD countries with high value added economy: highly educated human resources, open economy are the new features. However the General Expenditure on R&D (GERD/GDP) still lags back from the EU and OECD average. The innovation activity of the Hungarian SME-s is low. The utilization of the research in the economy is lowas well.

    In this paper we describe the Korean technology rating system which provides finance for the innovative SME-s.This system relies on data that allows someone, who is not an engineer, without understanding the real content of the research to forecast by 90% probability whether the project will be successful or not.

    1. In this paper we describe the RDI system for companies of the Korean Republic.

    2. Then we analyze whether the KTRS system is applicable for Hungary. We will point out that the innovative SME-s are facing same challenges in both countries. The common problem is the available credit assessment system. The Korean Technology Rating System is an alternative of the existing credit assessment in this field.

    3. At the end we will show that this system is applicable outside of the banking system as well. We will show that funding agencies can use it as an alternative of the existing project valuation system.

    Keywords: Korean Republic, Knowledge Sharing Program, Korean Technology Rating System, KTRS system, Korean RDI system for companies

  • Zsebők Csaba :
    Az 1956-os „Kolhoz Kör” és a Tiszta szívvel [573.95 kB - PDF]EPA-03180-00001-0100

    Summary: Among those who “prepared” these days of world historical importance there were several university students and young intellectuals who had not been burdened with a communist past. This is proved by the only one issue - hardly ever analysed - journal Tiszta szívvel and the “Kolhoz Kör” (Kolhoz Circle) serving as the basis of the university journal.

    Kabdebó Lóránt, one of the members of the Circle with the “code name” “Kolhoz” mentions in his memoirs that it was in the early autumn when they and Molnár József decided to start an independent university journal. They founded the journal with the name Tiszta szívvel, which was published two weeks before the outbreak of revolution in the first week of October.

    Borsodi Csaba points out that the most effective step of the “Kolhoz Circle” was the historical walk followed by a demonstration organised on 6th October 1956. The journal, which was published in those days contained studies, poems and educational proposals. Following the October 6 walk certain demands began to take form… According to some studies Tiszta szívvel was the only journal which was independent and which demanded changes before the outbreak of the 1956 revolution.

    Keywords: revolution, independent university journal, demonstration, changes