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(T)error&elhárítás6. évf. 4. sz. (2017.)



  • Hankiss Ágnes :
    Terrorista hálózatok : a C-79-es dosszié4-22 [471.21 kB - PDF]EPA-02932-00014-0010

    Abstract: Ramirez Ilic Sanchez, alias Carlos, the leader of the extremist left terrorist organization named „World Revolution” entered Hungary twenty-nine times between 1979 and 1982. He held meetings with the members of his network in Budapest and enjoyed the hospitality of the régime for shorter and longer periods. As the dossier signed C-79 with plenty of rotating names, covernames and photos, compiled by the Hungarian counterintelligence department III/II states: „...Carlos and his group has established their basic operations in Budapest, because they believe our country would ensure the safest conditions for preparing and organising their actions and plans... They feel so safe that they are continually importing and accumulating technical instruments, arms, explosives needed for the perpetration of terrorist actions.” The article tries to find some similarities and differences in the structure of the network of Carlos and that of Islamist terrorist groups. It includes on the one hand the map of the terrorist cell of the 9/11 revealed after the attack, and on the other hand refers to the personal network behind the most brutal terrorist attacks in the last years in Europe the ISIS has been responsible for, analysed in detail by the author of this article in a paper previously published.


  • Boross Zsigmond Attila :

    Abstract: As a reference point of hate crimes, offences against the state and acts of terrorism the ideology of right wing extremism still exist in nowadays Hungary. Effective law enforcement actions need - essentially national security - measures. Understandig of ideological principles are indispensable important for experts involved in. But this is only the first step in the integral structure of counter-intelligence.

Iszlám Állam

  • Kertész Gábor :
    Iszlám Állam - végleg vége?49-80 [554.77 kB - PDF]EPA-02932-00014-0030

    Abstract: In the last few years there had been an organization which called itself a state. Its theater of operation had been primarily in the Middle East area, but its impact hit worldwide the security, the stability and caused serious problems in the diplomacy too. The whole international community agreed, it is a terrorist organization which destruction is going on even these weeks. As a researcher I made a try to clarify two questions: (I) Shall our - more than 100 years old - definition of a state be upgraded to respond to the actual challenges? (II) Is there any risk that a similar group can emerge in the future, or how big is this risk?


  • Szénási Endre :

    Abstract: Michael Flynn, national security adviser to the president, was forced to resign on 13 February 2017, in reference to an absurd, unethical and unenforceable, but still applicable law from 1799 and his false statements. The 1799 law is absurd and unenforceable, because there is no way to isolate diplomats, as such the Russian ambassador to the United States from all private individuals, and it would make no sense either. It is unethical, since it provides an opportunity for those in power to accuse opposition or private individuals of breaking the law. The referred law is practically dead, since no one has ever been sentenced for breaking it and it is not expected in case of Flynn either. The informal contacts with the Russian ambassador as an “original sin”, basis of making someone to resign is more the Russophobe political paranoia. Flynn made a mistake when he made false statements concerning his consultations with the Russian ambassador, putting the Trump administration in an uncomfortable position. On the other hand, there are countless examples - even contemporary ones - when politicians in power survived far greater lies.

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