Külföldi programok 2002-ben



Nemzetközi Vulkánszpeleológiai Szimpózium

2002. szeptember 1—2. Reykjavík (Izland)

Információ: Sigurdur S. Jonsson, e-mail: ssjo@os.is, www.iceland2002.com/



13th BCRA Cave Science Symposium - 9th March 2002 - Leeds


Presentations of short papers on Cave & Karst Science topics




Contributions are invited on any aspect of cave or karst science or

caving technology. Poster papers, displays or preliminary presentations

by postgraduate students are especially welcome. Those wishing to give a

presentation should contact the lecture secretary, Andy Baker, giving

the title of your paper, the time requested for presentation (20-30

minutes is typical) and any special requirements. OHP and 35 mm slide

projection facilities will be available and a data projector may be

available on request. Abstracts will be required by 31st January



Further details can be obtained from the Lecture Secretary:

Dr Andy Baker, Department of Geography, University of Newcastle,

Newcastle, NE1 7RU. Tel: +44 (0)191 222 5344. Fax: +44 (0)191 222 5421



For local information (accommodation, travel etc.) please contact

Phil Murphy, <mailto:p.murphy@earth.leeds.ac.uk>.


We encourage all potential delegates and speakers to subscribe to the

'meetings' mailing list (http://www.caves.org.uk/lists/meetings.html) so

that they can be kept up to date with arrangements.


Admission charges (payable on door) will be Ł5 (BCRA members Ł4,

undergraduate students Ł3). This charge includes tea/coffee in the

morning and afternoon. The cost of lunch is not included but there are

suitable venues within walking distance of the venue.