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Magyar Nyelvőr146. évf. 1. sz. (2022. január-március)


  • Balázs Géza :

    The journal Magyar Nyelvőr was launched in 1872. The first period is associated with the linguist Szarvas Gábor who considered the following primary objectives: 1. history of language, 2. dialects, 3. the use of language in literature, 4. current research related to language, and 5. the presentation and discussion of the research results of modern linguistics. In spite of these factors, the journal became the representative of the new orthology criticising the exaggerations of the 19th century language reform and initiated the new battle between orthologists and neologists. As a results of the journal’s influence there was an intensifying struggle against the errors of language (”non-Hungarian use of language”).

    Szarvas Gábor, Magyar Nyelvőr, neology, new orthology, ”non- Hungarian use of language”


  • Kovács László :

    Brand names are all around as: their number is estimated to be over 40 million and we encounter them every day – not only when shopping or when seeing advertisements but also when we actually use them or speak about brands and products. Brand names are at the crossroads between marketing and linguistics: in marketing (and branding) they identify and differentiate products and in linguistic context they are linguistic signs belonging to our vocabulary. The paper gives a short overview of brand names research, pointing out that in marketing context the functions of brand names are important: they can be considered as good or bad according to whether they are able to help sell products or not. In linguistic context they are – as part of the language – neutral subjects of research. We argue, that linguistic research and linguistic contexts of brand names can help branding experts to create better brand names and thus brand name research opens new job perspectives for (applied) linguists.

    brand names, branding, interdisciplinarity

  • Büky László :
    Egy Krúdy-novella ábrázoltságrendjéről: Ifjú évek71-96 [823.91 kB - PDF]EPA-00188-00106-0060

    The linguistic substance of the objectivity portrayed in the story is closely related to sequence of plot. The venue of actions, the characters and the objectivity of the actions can be traced in the series of occurrences and the graphic representation. The distribution of occurrences follow the occurrences of objectivity as the network of plot. The importance of these factors can be observed in the presence of recurring elements (e.g. the town, the monastery, Prince Lubomirski, the Kacskó family, the humpbacked boy, etc.), which account for the evolutional framework of Szindbád’s moral attitude.

    objectivity portrayed, the depiction of town, the depiction of persons, the connectedness of depictions, the development of morals and character

Kisebb írások



  • Rezümék131-132 [213.59 kB - PDF]EPA-00188-00106-0170

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