
Vol. XCVII.               June, 2001               No. 2.


Szathmári, István: Gedeon Mészöly's oeuvre 129

Szabó, József: The role of dialectology and ethnography in Gedeon Mészöly's work 134

Kiss, Jenő: Linguists and organs of linguistics in Hungary 140

Göncz, Lajos: Interdependence of linguistic and sociological variables in Hungarian speech communities of the Carpathian Basin in minority and majority situations 152

Zelliger, Erzsébet: Issues of language and language use in the Hungarian diaspora of Upper Austria 171

C. Vladár, Zsuzsa: ‘Affinitas': structural similarity or genetic relationship? 184

Domonkosi, Ágnes: Metamorphosis of language and style in present-day Hungarian poetry: a stylistic analysis of elrepullman by Lajos Parti Nagy 192

· Minor Contributions. Kabán, Annamária: On the text organizing role of functional sentence perspective 200 - Bereczki, Gábor: The origin of Hungarian -val/-vel ‘with' 206

· Etymologies. Kicsi, Sándor András: Szent János kabalája ‘St. John's mare (dragonfly)'. 209 - Péter, László: The family name Hodács. 209 - Zoltán, András: Azon van, rajta van ‘strive for' 210

· Spoken Hungarian. Laczkó, Mária: The use and distribution of slips of the tongue in spontaneous speech 211

· Reviews. Sebestyén, Árpád: On Loránd Benkő's new book. 221 - Hegedűs, Andrea: A. Molnár Ferenc, Anyanyelv, vallás, művelődés [Mother tongue, religion, culture]. 229 - Gallasy, Magdolna: Szikszainé Nagy Irma, Leíró magyar szövegtan [Hungarian descriptive textology]. 234 - Fodor, Katalin: Szabó József, Nyelvjárási és szociolingvisztikai tanulmányok [Studies in dialectology and sociolinguistics]. 240 - Zaicz, Gábor: A mythological encyclopedia of Finno-Ugric peoples living in Siberia 242

· Miscellanea. Editorial: On the reviewing of contributions to Magyar Nyelv. 249 - Kiss, Lajos: György Györffy, an obituary 250

· Society News. Szathmári, István: Last honours to Antal Nyíri 252


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